Corporation of the University's student and teacher
community ‘SOdeistvie’ ('COoperation')
UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL INITIATIVES: project 'Generation convention'
Putting together of project activities of students, teachers and employees
of Minin University to achieve generations' convention.
Students acquire an experience of collective project activities and horizontal
communications, define their strong sides and personal deficiencies and receive
financing for their initiative extra-curricular activities within the area of their
professional and personal interests
Educational block
Within the educational
block Minin University
students receive an
experience of develo-
ping a social project.
Program of teaching
Includes trainings for
the development of
professional and project
Intramural defense of a
Intramural defense takes
place in two stages. The first
stage is evaluated by the
experts of the convent and
allows students to receive an
experience of public presen-
tation as well as vectors for
upgrading projects. Second
stage of public defense is
evaluated by a panel of
experts headed by rector.
As the result of public
defense winner projects are
selected, financed and
realized in the course of an
academic year
Projects’ realization
which is accompanied be an
expert-curator from the
University teaching staff or
Projects' financing is realized
from Minin University's
special-purpose funds.
Not fewer than 10 students’
initiatives are financed every
year by the University
Authors of the best projects
participate in an all-Russian forum
29 projects have been realized
with the University’s support,
10 are being realized
38 student communities are
active in the University