Teacher training system in Russia, which
underwent an attempt at rather serious
revolutionary changes in the last four years,
is neither in crisis or in post-crisis, nor in any
such state at present step of its formation
and development.
We use terms 'formation' and 'development' as a qualitative substitution to term
'modernization' considering our subsequent disillusioning from the lack of events which
should have happened as its consequence and which call for different time, manpower,
sense and ideological resources.
While preserving an earlier established system of views on trends of development of higher
education, formation of new educational eco-system in general and the role of new senses
of pedagogics in these processes, Minin University project designer team is convinced that
the community of teachers and managers, responsible for the quality of educational
processes and their being up-to-date, possesses all necessary ideas and instruments to
choose the best possible way and to achieve the best possible results for all those, who we
teach and with whomwe learn.
Rector of Minin University
Alexander Fedorov