A new model of pedagogical education requires changes
on 3 levels: fundamental, axiological, strategic
Fundamenta l l eve l of changes
What i s there to do?
What i s there to do?
Ax i o l og i ca l l eve l of changes
The main problem of school graduates: there is no stable
and conscious balance of development possibilities.
Children have stopped to read books and are involved
in social networks and playstations
there has been eliminated
the access of random people into
one of the most mass and socially
significant professions
a teacher has a pronounced
program of professional
pedagogical labor is divided:
subject and extra curriculum
activities are performed
by different professionals
and deep
of subjects
knowledge of
connection of the
the ability to
responsibility for
oneself and the
Generation convention is a type of constructive multifaceted cooperation of
generations which overcomes the shortcomings of traditional understanding of
collaboration unidirectionality as experience and knowledge transition from the
older to the younger. Generations adopt existential positions of another
generation of the basis of commonly-acknowledged values, work out common
regulatives and achieve common results, common-existence, common-creativity,
community, compassion.