St rateg i c l eve l of changes
The creation of the new support and professional life cycle management system 'Teacher'.
The flagman target which coincides with the aim of Minin University in the program of the
modernization of pedagogical education 'Goal-oriented education and contact job placement'
As its goal in the mid-run perspective Minin University has transformation from
a pedagogical university into an education university by the means of systematic and
consequential realization of the developed projects, based on the 12 strategic initiatives
of 2012.
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03 04
Transition from goal-oriented
admission to goal-oriented education
Main target: changing the quality
of the academic process. Regulation
of the quality not quantity of students.
Support programs:
'Preserving' the best
and their motivation
to self-development
'Short career line' is the achievement of the status
of a top-rank teacher in 7 years.
Creation of personal maps
for professional
of a young teacher f
or the period of
2-4-6-12 semesters.
Overcoming of
from the job
Provision of the attestation system
for teachers which encourages
self-development. Implementation of
social-professional certification.
Division of teacher manpower:
singling out the functions of subject teacher,
tutor, moderator, diagnostician and correction
of honorable
of old teachers
in the regulated time.
Establishment of long-term support
in the form of 'pedagogical
capital': a teacher after having served f
or two cycles (18+18 years) gets
an obligatory retirement benefit.