Joint educational programs

Double degree program with Shanghai Pedagogical University
The program of two diplomas in the area of study 44.03.05 "Pedagogical education (with two specializations)"/ Foreign Language (English) and Foreign Language (Chinese)" has been successfully implemented between Minin University and Anhui Pedagogical University since 2015. Over this period, 57 students from both universities took part in the program. The program is implemented according to the scheme "1+2+1 ", when a student studies for one year in the country of residence, two years abroad, the last year in the country of residence). Upon graduation, students receive state-issued diplomas from both universities. The program promotes the deepening of Russian-Chinese academic cooperation in the field of joint implementation of educational programs; in-depth study by students of Minin University and students of Anhui Pedagogical University (PRC) of Chinese and Russian languages, literature and culture of China and Russia.

Joint educational program in Economics with Batken State University
Bachelor’s degree in the area of study 38.03.01 "Economics", with the specialization "Economics of enterprises and organizations" will be implemented in a part-time format. The aim of the program is to train competitive professionals in the field of economics. The program provides students with professional competencies that allow them to solve a wide range of economic problems. During the training, students of this specialization acquire the skills of analyzing economic information, assessing economic potential, drafting of plans and development projects for enterprises and organizations. The program allows students to master the calculations, methods and techniques of analysis of financial and economic activities of an enterprise (organization) required for preparing economic sections of plans.
The duration of the study program is 4.5 years: 2 years – at Batken State University; 2.5 years – at Minin University.

Joint educational program in psychology with Batken State University
The Master’s degree program in the area of study 37.04.01 "Psychology", with the specialization "Practical psychology" will be implemented in a part-time format. The aim of the program is to train competent professionals in social interaction and psychological assistance. Graduates are able to solve professional tasks in the field of education, healthcare, culture, management, social assistance to the population, as well as in public and business organizations, administrative bodies, research and consulting organizations providing psychological services to individuals and organizations. The duration of the study program is 2,5 years: 1 year – at Batken State University; 1,5 years – at Minin University.

Joint Music Education Program with Shandong Polytechnic University
Bachelor’s degree in the area of study 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education", with the specialization "Music" will be implemented in a full-time format. The aim of the program is to train modern professionals capable of performing their professional and creative activities in the field of music education in an effective manner, using theoretical knowledge and innovative technologies, while preserving and developing the best cultural traditions.
The duration of the study program is 4 years: 1 year – at Shandong Polytechnic University; 3 years – at Minin University.

Joint educational program in Russian with Shandong Polytechnic University
The Bachelor’s degree program in the area of study 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education", with the specialization "Russian as a foreign language" will be implemented in a full-time format. The aim of the program is to train a new type of education professionals who are equipped with professional knowledge and innovative technologies in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language, who understand the spiritual and moral aspectsof education and are able to conduct an open dialogue with representatives of various social groups, cultures, confessions. Russian as a foreign language is studied as part of a number of modules of the program, which take into account the level of the student’s preparation for mastering the Russian language (from elementary level to the level of a native speaker). In addition to language training, the program also provides training in literary studies. The duration of the study program is 4 years: 1 year – at Shandong Polytechnic University; 3 years – at Minin University.
Joint educational program in Economics with the Tajikistan State University of Law, Business and Politics
The Master’s degree program in the area of study 38.03.01 "Economics", with the specialization "Economics of enterprises and organizations" will be implemented in an extramural format. The aim of the program is to train competitive professionals in the field of economics. The program provides students with professional competencies that allow them to solve a wide range of economic problems. During the training, students of this specialization acquire the skills of analyzing economic information, assessing economic potential, drafting of plans and development projects for enterprises and organizations. The program allows students to master the calculations, methods and techniques of analysis of financial and economic activities of an enterprise (organization) required for preparing economic sections of plans.
The duration of the study program is 2 years and 4 months.

Joint educational program in Economics with Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology
The Bachelor's degree program in the area of study 38.03.01 "Economics", with the specialization "Economics of enterprises and organizations" will be implemented in a part-time format. The aim of the program is to train competitive professionals in the field of economics. The program provides students with professional competencies that allow them to solve a wide range of economic problems. During the training, students of this specialization acquire the skills of analyzing economic information, assessing economic potential, drafting of plans and development projects for enterprises and organizations. The program allows students to master the calculations, methods and techniques of analysis of financial and economic activities of an enterprise (organization) required for preparing economic sections of plans.
The duration of the study program is 4 years.

Semester exchange program with Xi’an University of Translation (PRC)
The semester exchange program has been implemented by Minin University in cooperation with Xi’an University of Translation since 2018. Within the framework of this project, students of Minin University study for 1 semester in Xi’an, and students of Xi’an University study in Nizhny Novgorod. The aim of the program is to introduce students to the culture, traditions and history of China and Russia, practice Russian and Chinese languages, and develop academic interaction. 30 students of Russian and Chinese universities have already taken part in the program.