
The Asia-Pacific Quality Network was founded in 2003 in association with the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), UNESCO and the World Bank. APQN is currently one of the youngest and fastest-growing international organizations.

APQN's activities are aimed at:

  • promoting dissemination of good practices in order to support and enhance the quality of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region;
  • providing advice and expertise in order to assist in the development of new quality assurance organizations in the region;
  • facilitating cooperation among Quality Assurance Agencies (QAAs) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and recognizing each other’s decisions and judgment/

At the moment, Russian organizations in the Asia-Pacific Quality Network are represented by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, the National Center for Public Accreditation, as well as two leading Russian universities.

APQN membership will, in future, contribute to the development of research activities in the sphere of quality management in higher education and effective use of the results of ongoing research. All these will help to improve the quality of higher education in the region, as well as enhance the student mobility both within and across national borders.

2019 APQNmembership