Minin University took the 5th place in the first ranking of "green" universities in Russia and became the absolute leader among pedagogical universities. 42 universities became participants in the 2020 ranking.
The high result of the university is due to the introduction of the principles of the "green" economy and sustainable development in its activities, implementation of measures to improve energy efficiency, resource conservation, responsible management of waste, inclusion of the environmental agenda in educational programs, active promotion of eco principles among students and staff.
Ranking of "green" universities in Russia - this is the first ranking of higher education institutions in Russia, aimed at formation of ecological culture and the introduction of "green" practices in the activities of universities in the country.
The ranking is formed annually taking into consideration on the results of the previous calendar year and is updated in accordance with the results achieved.
In addition, Minin University experience was presented in Edited volume of recommendations and successful cases on the implementation of environmental practices in Russian universities This article provides information about the activity of one ofthe first departments of environmental education in Russia - the Minin University department of environmental education and environmental management , the results of the work are presented there . Thus, over the past three years, the department has published more than 200 scientific articles. Every year students of the specialty "Ecology", publish from 20 to 50 articles in magazines, present them on national and international conferences. The Association of Environmental Teachers of Nizhny Novgorod region includes 158 people.
With the support of the Department 20 of them became winners of the activities of the national project "Education", grantees and winners of the awards in the field of environmental protection named after V V Naydenko.
Minin University Administration thanks academic staff, students, student association “Green Minin”, the department of environmental education and environmental management, information policy center for the work done to improve the quality of education, science and social activity in the sphere of ecology and growth of reputational capital of Minin University as "green" university”.