
November, 1, students of Minin University together with the Rector, Alexander Fedorov, planted 105 seedlings of white cedars, cedars and larches on the territory of a studying building of the University in Avtozavod District.

Students of Ecological Management and Audit department, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, were the initiators of this event. The number of seedlings chosen for the first-time planting was not just a concatenation of circumstances – the University is celebrating the 105th anniversary.

The event was held within All-Russian movement “The City Ecobombe”. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, all people can order trees’ seedlings to plant them in their own city. More than 70 towns and cities of Russia are participating in the action this year. In spring and autumn of 2016 the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod have ordered and planted more than 3700 seedlings.
Alexander Fedorov, the Rector of Minin University, took part in this action with pleasure.

“The things we are doing today, - says the rector, - may seem to be insignificant – the seedlings are small and we are unlikely to have a walk under branchy trees soon. But we are doing exactly what the activity of the university is oriented at: we are planting a grain for the future development, taking care of future generations and of the country’s future. It is important for students to feel the responsibility for all that. Having looked at our students who took part in the event with great interest, I am sure that our ideas are to have results. I hope that others educational institutions of Nizhny Novgorod will join the initiative in spring of 2017.”