
On November 9, the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation hosted the all-Russian conference "Public and professional discussion of the implementation and application of the developed model of certification based on the use of unified Federal assessment materials (EFOM) and standard sets of EFOM for teachers 'certification". The conference was attended by 350 people from 73 subjects of the Russian Federation: representatives of the all-Russian Union of education, Rosobrnadzor, heads of regional education authorities and training institutes, University rectors, school principals and teachers. Minister of education of the Russian Federation O. Vasilyeva took part in the event.

Rector of the Minin University Alexander Fedorov took part in the conference as a moderator of the round table "Primary certification: prospects for the introduction of the "professional exam" and made a presentation at the plenary session on "Entry into the profession: support and independent evaluation of teaching staff."
The following issues were discussed during the conference:

  • A new model of teacher assessment based on the use of EFOM within the National system of teacher growth.
  • EFOM as a mechanism for determining the level of professional competence.
  • Participation of public and professional associations (associations) in the assessment of qualifications.
  • Prospects of implementation and application of the developed model of certification of teachers.

The conference noted that the final version of the model of teachers ' certification will be approved only after a wide public discussion.

In his speech, the Minister of education of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyev said:

We very much want to approve and create with your help such model of certification of our teachers which will become the real incentive of professional growth, will allow teachers without collecting a portfolio and weight of other documents to provide passing of procedure of certification on a workplace. We expect that improved the final version of the appraisal model will be necessarily broad public discussion and the final version will be approved in 2020. What have we revealed at this stage of testing? The problem with the evaluation of the opinion of graduates, this is a very controversial issue. To date, it is clear that this aspect will not be presented in the new certification model. Also, the greatest number of questions, quite rightly, caused a video tutorial or video lesson, and not so much because of the difficulty of shooting, but because of the requirement of parental consent or legal representatives to the video. We came to the conclusion that the use of this format is impractical.

O. Vasilyeva reminded that the national system of teacher growth consists of interrelated elements: certification, professional development, pedagogical education, professional standard of the teacher, increasing the prestige of the profession, which was developed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of may 7, 2018 № 204 "on national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation.

The Minister stressed that one of the Federal projects of the national project "Education" - "Teacher of the future" - is aimed at the introduction of the national system of teacher growth, a system model of support for teachers, which provides for the continuous development of professional skills of teachers, updating the content of programs to improve their skills and the introduction of an improved model of certification. She noted that the certification should reflect the quality of work of the teacher, his professionalism and be for the teacher as simple and clear as possible, allowing to determine the future trajectory of professional development.

Also, the Minister expressed her opinion that teachers should have "an exam for entering the profession, like doctors." She informed that the Ministry of Education plans to create a network of independent certification centers, where teachers will be able to pass an independent certification before the official procedure to independently assess their skills, gaps and eliminate them.

In his speech on the topic "Entry into the profession: support and independent evaluation of teaching staff" Alexander Fedorov spoke about the main stages of support and independent evaluation of teaching staff, highlighting the communicative and subject, psychological and pedagogical, methodological, professional competence. The rector also shared the successful experience of the complex exam of readiness (CEG) for the future profession at the Minin University, focusing in more detail on its components. Such a comprehensive examination involves a comprehensive test designed to assess the degree of compliance with the motivational, practical and theoretical training certified to receive specialized pedagogical education. The test of future teachers involves an exam in pedagogy and psychology with the passage of the test in eios Minin University, presentation of the portfolio and protection of the project orally.  The rector also spoke about the testing of unified Federal assessment materials (EFOM) in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and presented the project of the Minin University — a model of targeted training and contract employment. We will remind that on October 14, 2016 Minin, the rector of the University took part in the meeting of members of the Russian Government under the leadership of D. A. Medvedev to improve the effectiveness of targeted training and target acquisition, which, together with the Minister of education of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva, reported on the current situation with the development and launch of a new program of targeted training for teachers