Philosophy of Religion and History of Philosophy
The head of the school is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Lev Shaposhnikov – Honorary Citizen of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, member of the editorial boards of the journals "Humanitarian: Current Problems of Humanitarian Science and Education", " Vestnik of Minin University", "Vestnik of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy", included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific editions publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences.
The scientific school aims to provide highly qualified teaching staff in the field of "Philosophy and Theology", to act as an important link between the secular school and the teachers of the Russian Orthodox Church, to contribute to the spiritual and moral education of students and postgraduates.
Every year, the staff of the scientific school organizes and conducts Christmas Orthodox-philosophical readings. In different years, the topics of Christmas readings were "Nizhny Novgorod religious thinkers in the context of the epoch", "Orthodoxy and the formation of historical memory (Nizhny Novgorod context)", "Orthodoxy and the Russian World", etc.